Mom in Business

Breaking Free: When the Life You’re ‘Supposed’ to Live Isn’t the One You’re Meant to Live

By Dina Hamouch- Do you remember the first time you realized your life wasn’t entirely yours? We’re handed a blueprint before we can even speak: Study hard. Pick a “respectable” career. Marry. Have children. Repeat. It’s a rhythm so familiar, so safe, that we dance to it without questioning the music. But what happens when the steps feel wrong? When the rhythm of “success” drowns out the whispers of your soul?

The Day I Became a Stranger to Myself

I still see her—the younger version of me, sitting at a desk piled with university brochures. Her hands trembled as she circled “computer engineering,” not out of passion, but fear. Fear of disappointment. Fear of uncertainty. Fear of what if I choose wrong.

No one tells you how to listen to your heart when the world is shouting in your ear.

I chose the “safe” path. The one that promised stability, not joy. The one that fit neatly into family conversations and societal checklists. But with every equation I solved, a quiet voice grew louder: Is this really it? Is this the life I’ll look back on and call mine?

The Mirage of “Happily Ever After”

Like so many of us raised in Lebanon, I believed escape was the answer. Leave. Build a life abroad. Stability will fix everything.

The Netherlands became my new stage. I played my part perfectly: devoted wife, radiant mother, diligent employee. From the outside, it sparkled—a picture of achievement. But inside, I felt like a ghost in my own life.

Motherhood brought me profound love, but it also cracked me open. In the quiet moments—rocking my babies to sleep, staring at ceilings in the dark, I’d ache with a question I couldn’t name. Why does “having it all” feel like losing myself?

The Crack That Let the Light In

The second pregnancy changed everything.

As my body grew life, my spirit began to rebel. What if “security” is a cage? What if the script was never meant for me?

I silenced the questions, as I’d always done. My husband and I poured our savings into a restaurant, chasing a dream that wasn’t ours. For years, I erased myself—my wants, my voice—to keep the illusion alive. Until the day it collapsed.

The restaurant failed. Our savings vanished. And there I stood, pregnant with my third child, in a country that no longer felt like home, staring at the rubble of the life I’d built for others.

The Birth of a Rebellion

Loss has a way of stripping you bare.

In the ashes, I found something terrifying and beautiful: choice.

Could I raise my children in a homeland buckling under crisis? Could I start over in a foreign land, with nothing but my fractured courage? Could I face the scariest question of all—Who am I, beneath the roles I’ve played?

This wasn’t about survival anymore. It was about to become.

To Anyone Feeling Trapped in Someone Else’s Story

Maybe you, too, have mastered the art of smiling through the quiet ache. Maybe you’ve buried your “what ifs” under responsibilities, or let societal applause drown out your inner voice.

Let me tell you this:

You are allowed to want more.
You are allowed to rewrite the script.

My journey to “Mom in Business” wasn’t born from certainty—it was forged in the messy, glorious act of choosing myself. Of realizing that fulfillment isn’t a destination on society’s map, but a path you carve with your own hands.

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This Is Just the Beginning

In my next chapter, I’ll share how I rebuilt from nothing—the stumbles, the breakthroughs, and the raw truth about forging an identity beyond “mom,” “wife,” or “employee.”

But for now, I leave you with this:

If your soul has ever whispered, “There must be more…”

That whisper?
It’s not rebellion, it’s your destiny calling.

About the Author

Dina Hamouch is a mother of three, an entrepreneur, and a guide for women rewriting their stories. Follow her journey as she explores the messy, magnificent truth of building a life beyond the blueprint.


  • Hanin Hamzeh

    Your relentless drive and resilience as an entrepreneur and a mother in a foreign country shine as a daily beacon of hope and determination. Watching you navigate challenges with grace and strength inspires me to push through my own obstacles. Your journey is a powerful reminder that perseverance and passion can turn even the toughest situations into opportunities for growth and success.

  • Hanin abou samra

    One of the most speeches that left something in my heart and mind. Supermom Dina 🤍🤍

  • Nadine Ghraizi

    This is a beautifully written and deeply relatable piece! Dina Hamouch’s story captures the struggle of living according to societal expectations rather than personal fulfillment. It resonates with anyone who has ever felt trapped in a predetermined path and longed for something more.

    This is Dina
    Dina, your authentic voice and courage in sharing your journey are truly inspiring. Your work not only offers a beacon of hope for those questioning the traditional path, but it also reminds us of the power in choosing a life that resonates with our true selves. Keep shining and guiding others on their journey to self-discovery.

  • “Thank you, Dina, for sharing your experiences. This is a great reminder that real happiness comes from following our own path, even when it’s not what others expect!

  • Nadine Ghraizi

    This is a beautifully written and deeply relatable piece! Dina Hamouch’s story captures the struggle of living according to societal expectations rather than personal fulfillment. It resonates with anyone who has ever felt trapped in a predetermined path and longed for something more.
    Dina, your authentic voice and courage in sharing your journey are truly inspiring. Your work not only offers a beacon of hope for those questioning the traditional path, but it also reminds us of the power in choosing a life that resonates with our true selves. Keep shining and guiding others on their journey to self-discovery.

  • Beautifully written and inspiring. You took something that was used to define you and created out of it something truly special. Thank you for sharing your experience

  • You overcame so many obstacles to achieve this win. Congratulations for finding yourself 🤍

  • Reading about your journey to rebuild and rediscover yourself has truly touched the heart. It’s beautiful to see how you’ve embraced change and found a new path that brings you joy and fulfillment.

    Dina, Your courage and determination are inspiring, and it’s a beautiful reminder that self-discovery is an ongoing and rewarding process. Keep exploring and nurturing your new self.
    Best wishes .

    • Hassan Hamieh

      Proud of you my Lovely wife and supporter.
      I believe in you in whatever you are doing

  • Chapeau Bas to every working mom all around the world! Trying to balance life between raising the kids, the house chores in addition to a full time job, and away of your homeland where no family around to rely on, is a heroic act that is worth the applaud. Congratulations Dina on your first article, keep sharing your stories with the community of working mothers to empower them and give them the courage to carry on with their journey!

  • Reading about your journey to rebuild and rediscover yourself truly touches the heart. It’s beautiful to see how you’ve embraced change and found a new path that brings you joy and fulfillment.

    Dina, your courage and determination are inspiring, and it’s a great reminder that self-discovery is an ongoing and rewarding process. Keep exploring and nurturing your new self !
    Best wishes .

  • Amani Abou Zeinab

    Amazing touchable words my dearest friend, Dina. Such inspirational words target every single human still lost & searching for her/his own script to be. Wishing you more & more success. So proud of you

  • Amani Abou Zeinab

    So Happy & proud to read such amazing touching words full of inspiration & sincerity. My friend, your words, your story & your thoughts target every human still lost & searching for her/ his script to be.
    Wishing you more & more success.

  • Amani Abou Zeinab

    So Happy & proud to read such amazing touching words full of inspiration & sincerity. My friend, your words, your story & your thoughts target every human still lost & searching for her/ his script to be.
    Wishing you more & more success.

  • Always inspiring 🤍 . Wishing you all the success!

  • Wow this is so beautifully written. Congratulations ♥️

  • Your words can touch every struggling woman who can’t accept to live on life’s margin , but at the same time she’s of fully responsible towards her family and kids. You could identify clearly your role , your priorities, and your destination . Then you decide what way to create innovatively to be a clear vision for yourself and others.

  • Marwa Nasser

    Amazing Dina!!
    Keep going strong! This is just the beginning, and I can’t wait to see many more of your brilliant articles. Your words, ideas, and expression are truly remarkable—keep shining!

  • Dodo am so proud of you siso love youuu

  • Fatima al-Ozeir

    It’s amazing how you sequence the idea you are delivering. I also appreciate your authenticity and want to influence other women to achieve their true desires and wants ratger than be a prototype for what the system implies. Well done and thank you for inspiring us to follow your lead as you unveil your true identity and authentic self

  • Hassan Hamieh

    Proud of you my Lovely wife and supporter.
    I believe in you in whatever you are doing

  • Dina, my first university friend .your words resonated deeply. They are reflecting the silent struggles so many of us carry. Thank you for reminding us that choosing ourselves is not selfish, but necessary. Good luck in your future endeavors

  • Dina, my first university friend .your words resonated deeply. They are reflecting the silent struggles so many of us carry. Thank you for reminding us that choosing ourselves is not selfish, but necessary. Good luck in your future endeavors dear

  • ، دينا، أنا محظوظة بمعرفتك، لقد ألهمتني لأكون شخصًا أفضل
    أنا معجبة بذكائك وتفانيك في عملك وفي مساعدة الآخرين، أنت قدوة يحتذى بها.

    • Sahar Matar

      لي ولغيري انت شخصية جبارة، مثقفة،ملهمة،شجاعة،متفائلة ،طموحة ومحبة وثاءرة وهدا ما يميزك عن غيرك احترم انجازاتك وتضحياتك التي ستلهم الكثير واتمنى ان تصلي الى كل طموحاتك وشوفك على اعلى المنابر دينا انتي دائما ستكونين مصدر للالهام

  • Great work!! Such a great read!

  • Great job 👏🏼

  • So wonderfully put!! It resonates with every reader, it’s a testament to how amazing of a person you are!! In order for you to transcribe your emotions and life experiences in a way that is so relatable and raw, it takes immense courage.
    May you continue to break through the societal limits set to define you !! 👏👏👏👏

  • beautifully expressed-can’t wait for what’s next! 👏👏